ACC 6 OF 2018 - Republic vs Joshua Omokola Okanga

Summary: The accused, an enforcement officer with the Nairobi City Council, arraigned in court for demanding a 3000/= bribe from the complainant so as to release a motorcycle which he had impounded and detained for allegedly making a wrong turn. He was also charged with obstructing EACC investigators from arresting him by inciting his colleagues to rescue him from lawful custody. In the last charge, he was accused of concealing evidence that he had reason to believe would be used as evidence in investigations against him. The complainant visited EACC offices where he was fitted with a recording gadget and given three 1000/= shilling notes. He went to meet with the accused, who demanded the bribe. The treated notes were handed to him and as the accused went to collect the bike, EACC officers arrested him. The accused resisted and fought the officers, and in the ensuig commotion, he managed to escape. When he finally presented himself to police, he denied all the charges.

Case Information

First offence date: 16/Jun/2014
Start date: 01/Jan/2018
Ruling date: 01/Jan/1970
Defendant plea:
Amount involved: KES 3,000.00
Type of case: Receiving a bribe

Resolution comments:



Fine amount


Count 1 - Receiving a bribe contrary to S 6(1)(a) as read with S18 as read with S27 of the Bribery Act
Not guilty
Count 2 - Receiving a bribe contrary to S 6(1)(a) as read with S18 as read with S27 of the Bribery Act
Not guilty
Count 3 - Receiving a bribe contrary to S 6(1)(a) as read with S18 as read with S27 of the Bribery Act
Not guilty
Count 4 - Obstruction contrary to Section 66(1)(a) as read with Section 66(2) of the Anti Corruption and Economic Crimes Act
Not guilty
Count 5 - Concealing evidence contrary to Section 66(2) of the Anti Corruption and Economic Crimes Act
Not guilty


Nairobi City County

Employer at time of Offence - City Hall Way